Nút nhấn khẩn báo cháy (Pushbutton Latching Call Point)
Xuất sứ: UK
Nhà cung cấp: ANS Đà Nẵng
Hãng sản xuất: MEDC Viet Nam
Nút nhấn khẩn báo cháy (Pushbutton Latching Call Point) - MEDC (EATON)
- Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2 use*.
- Exia IICT4 or Exd IIC T5/T6.
- ATEX aproved, Ex II 1G (Exia) Ex II 2GD (Exd).
- BASEEFA certified
- UL Listed (PB only), Class I, Div 1, Groups C & D.
- CSA certified.
- IECEx certified.
- TR CU* certified.
- Chinese (CQST) certified.
- Brazilian (Inmetro) certified.
- DNV certified.
- SIL2 ceritified.
- IP66 and IP67.
- Certified temperature: –55°C to +70°C*.
- Stainless steel or marine grade alloy.
- Robust yet lightweight.
- Easy to maintain.