Biến tần (VLT Automation Drive)
Xuất sứ: USA
Nhà cung cấp: ANS Đà Nẵng
Hãng sản xuất: Danfoss Viet Nam
Biến tần (VLT Automation Drive) – Danfoss
Part no.: 131X2248
Features and benefits:
A wide operating temperature range of -25°C to +50°C without derating ensures reliable operation when your applications take your drive to the extremes.
The flexible, modular design concept provides an extraordinarily versatile motor control solution.
The new VLT® Wireless Communication Panel LCP 103 communicates wirelessly with MyDrive® Connect making it easier to perform commissioning, operation, monitoring and maintenance tasks.
Back-channel cooling concept reduces costs, energy consumption and the size of the cooling system.
New ‘ruggedized’ design reduces the potential negative effects of vibration.
The need for PLC capacity is reduced thanks to Smart Logic Control.
Low lifetime costs are ensured as the drive is highly resistant to wear and tear.
The lifetime of electronics is prolonged due to back-channel cooling for enclosures D, E and F.
Commissioning and upgrades are easy due to plug-in technology.
High-precision position and synchronization thanks to availability of Integrated Motion Controller throughout the entire product range.
Features such as intelligent heat management, Safe stop and Safe Torque Off ensure safe and energy-efficient operation of the drive.
VLT® Motion Control Tool MCT 10 offers a customized commissioning experience.