Máy đo lực đóng mở nắp chai
Xuất sứ: Germany
Nhà cung cấp: ANS Da Nang
Hãng sản xuất: Mark-10 Viet Nam
Model: MTT01-50 ǀ Máy đo lực đóng mở nắp chai
*Moveable 1.25″ (31 mm) length posts accommodate a wide range of sample shapes and sizes
*Available extended post lengths and other gripping options
*USB, RS-232, Mitutoyo, and analog outputs
*Automatic output, data storage, and zeroing upon bottle cap removal helps automate testing processes
*First / second peak detection for slip and breakaway torques in tamper evident closures
*1,000-point data memory with statistics and outputs
*Password protection prevents unauthorized changes
*Programmable set point indicators and outputs for pass/ fail determination
*High-speed 7,000 Hz sampling rate accurately captures peak torque values
*Configurable audio alarms and key tones
*5 selectable units of measurement
*MESUR® Lite data collection software included