Cảm biến vận tốc (Velocity Sensor)
Xuất sứ: USA
Nhà cung cấp: ANS Đà Nẵng
Hãng sản xuất: Metrix Viet Nam
Cảm biến vận tốc (Velocity Sensor)-Metrix Viet Nam
Model: 5485C-004
Thông số kỹ thuật
Axis Orientation: Any
Sensitivity: 105, 145, 150, or 200 mV/in/sec (see ordering options)
Sensitivity vs. Temperature: Less than 0.02%/°C
Cross-Axis Sensitivity: Less than 10%
Service Temperature: -54° to + 375°C (-65° to +707°F)
Frequency Response (+/- 3dB passband): 15 Hz to 2000 Hz
Maximum g-level: 50 g
Maximum Displacement: 1.8 mm (70 mils) pk-pk
Case-to-Coil Isolation (min):
•100 MΩ @ 20°C
•10 MΩ @ 200°C
•1 MΩ @ 375°C
Case Sealing: Welded; hermetically sealed