Cảm biến vận tốc (Velocity Transmitter)
Xuất sứ: USA
Nhà cung cấp: ANS Đà Nẵng
Hãng sản xuất: Metrix Viet Nam
Cảm biến vận tốc (Velocity Transmitter) - Metrix
Model: ST5484E-121-0120-00
The Metrix ST5484E is a self-contained, loop-powered seismic velocity transmitter that incorporates a piezo-electric accelerometer, signal integrator, RMS peak detector, and 4-20 mA signal conditioner into a single, robust package. The transmitter can be mounted directly on the machine case or bearing housing without need of any intervening signal conditioning equipment. Its 4-20 mA output signal is compatible with most industrial process control instrumentation such as PLCs, DCSs, and SCADA systems, allowing trending and/or alarming capabilities for a simple, economical vibration monitoring solution. The transmitter is also available in a 4-wire version where the extra two conductors provide direct access to the raw acceleration signal, facilitating easy connection to portable data collectors and analyzers.
An extremely wide range of full scale outputs, mounting stud options, and hazardous area approvals are available, along with an option for 316 stainless steel case materials (303 stainless is standard).
For flexibility and ease of wiring, three basic styles are offered:
- Flying Leads
- Terminal Strips
- 2-pin MIL connector