Cảm biến đo nhiệt độ và độ ẩm (Humidity and Temperature Transmitter)
Xuất sứ: Finland
Nhà cung cấp: ANS Đà Nẵng
Hãng sản xuất: Vaisala Viet Nam
Cảm biến đo nhiệt độ và độ ẩm (Humidity and Temperature Transmitter) - Vaisala
Model: HMT330 7S0A001BCAE200A0AACBCA1
Transmitter type: HMT337 for high humidities
Probe cables: 2m +180C; No Additional temperature probe
Calculations: Code RH+T, No Display
Power supply: Standard (10...35V,24VAC)
Signal output: Analog Output 4...20mA
Analog output signals for Ch1: 0...100%RH
Analog output signals for Ch2: Temperature Range -40...+180C
No Analog output signals for Ch3
Output units: Non Metric Units
Option for module slot 1 &2: No Module
Cable bushings: Sealed Cable Gland M20x1.5
No Transmitter installation
Humidity sensor: General purpose HUMICAP180R
Sensor protection: PPS Grid with Steel Netting
Installation kit for probe: Duct Installation Kit For HMT333 and HMT337 ; User´s Guide HMT330 English
PC Accessories: MI70LINK PC Software with RS232 Serial Cable with D9 Female Connector